Blogland Lane Logo by our own Tessa Edwards

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's Hard Work But Somebody Has To Do It...

A certain counselor named kj has been making clay angels and snow people and an occasional rock star, right along side her young clients who, by the way, know how to play a whole lot better than all the grown ups who don't play often enough. This holiday season: Play. I doubt you'll regret it.


  1. The grandkids and I are going sledding at Lake Tahoe, does that count?

    They are sledding, I'm taking pictures and falling down.

    Hannah is taking Hip Hop dance class. I'm going to show her some 60's moves. Wonder where I put them.........

    Love that angel!


  2. You so took that photo after a couple of drinky poos! Or is it me who's out of focus? Lovely jubbly. I'm such a poor contributor but I love to read. This Christmas we are playing the Christmas Olympics, teams of two have obscure countries to represent in Present Wrapping, Egg nog racing and goodness knows what else my daughter has dreamed up Photos will follow. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and I so look forward to being a little more 'active' next year . .or maybe next weekend. Who knows. God's not the only one who works in mysterious ways.

  3. Play is a neccesary part of living ;)

    Thanks for the reminder!That is one happy angel. Either that or she's plastered!

