Blogland Lane Logo by our own Tessa Edwards

Monday, December 12, 2011

Moonlight on Blogland Lane

attribution unknown

Just stopping by to wish my friends and neighbors a good evening and a good holiday season. The moon has special powers, do you think so too? I know it's true that hospital emergency rooms and mental health centers have much more activity when the moon is full. And since our bodies are mostly water, and since the moon controls the ocean tides, it all makes sense. Right? Best wishes, kj


  1. Hi, KJ, and happy holidays to you too.

    "And since our bodies are mostly water, and since the moon controls the ocean tides, it all makes sense. Right?"

    Oh, I wasn't going to respond to your belief about hospitals until I went back and saw that you asked a question about whether it makes sense. My understanding is that a belief in an increased patient load is common even among hospital nurses (including my wife), but that studies have consistently failed to verify it. If you should come across some data, I would love to see it.

  2. Gorgeous photographs! Happy New Year from Puerto Rico!

  3. Oh, Happy Holidays, kj. Oh wait; I'm a bit late for that.

    I came back to my other place for Christmas, and to hibernate. But it was way too hot there. So I'm back.

    Any by-laws about Bears hibernating in or around BL?

    Blessings and Bear hugs to all, for 2012.

  4. "If you should come across some data, I would love to see it."

    After six months of checking here eagerly every single day for information about the full moon, I concluded that I might as well look into the matter myself. The following link doesn't contain studies, but it contains information about how to find studies. Every link I read--from NASA, Astronomy Magazine, ABC News, and a couple more--referred to the belief in the power of the full moon to affect crime, birth rates, and hospital admissions, as a "popular misconception."
